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Jun 27, 2022

In our Father's Day tradition, we once again welcome our children to the podcast as we discuss a little bit of everything from discord, content creation, Pokemon, D&D, and much much more. We'll also talk recent plays of Rumble Nation, 535, & Santiago. Enjoy the show!

(0:00) Intro, No Sanchez!

Jun 22, 2022

Join the COIN Collectors as we discuss All Bridges Burning by VPJ Arponen and from GMT Games. 

00:00 War correspondent report
02:15 Introduction and factions
05:00 Differences and 3p gameplay
08:50 Map
16:15 Eligibility and events
22:20 Gameplay 
25:05 Game phases
29:45 Non player factions
32:45 Battle system
37:50 Dice...

Jun 13, 2022

James and Sanchez are back for Episode 64 and talking all about The Honeymoon Phase in board games. How deep do you dive into a new hobby? How long until the hot new thing? Also we talk plays of Schadenfreude, Dune, Le Plateau, and Rapido! Enjoy the show!

(0:00) Intro, Patreon, DoaMcoN
(8:50) Schadenfreude

Jun 5, 2022

Fall in line for Mike's 18xx Boot Camp Series, today we're taking on The Opening Auction, The Initial Stock Round, The Private Auction - whatever you call it, let's get you whipped into shape to dominate (or at least not lose) yours. Culminating in our own live Private Auction of 1830. 

(0:00) Intro & Plugs